Case Studies

Secured language in 2007 Farm Bill for a large non-profit to promote and preserve rural heritage as part of a $135 million grant program. This was an important step to raise the profile of historic preservation in agriculture policy discussions at the state and federal levels. It also brought historic preservation into non-traditional Farm Bill coalitions.

Worked with a large non-profit to include Section 1504 in the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform Act that requires companies registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission to report how much they pay each government for access to their oil, gas and minerals.

Secured funding for energy company to prove commercial viability of carbon capture technology, known as pressurized oxycombustion, that removes all by products (including mercury, CO2, and particulates) from combustion of fossil fuel.

Developed strategic approach to state and local officials in highly populated Northeastern cities to promote use of an energy company’s technology to remove 99% of ammonia from municipal wastewater.

Using the model of public private partnership, assisted major transportation company to successfully create revolutionary logistics network for intermodal traffic; when completed, the project will link Midwestern & Eastern US logistic systems with global intermodal mark.